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A Little Bit Louder Now (1-Day)

A Little Bit Louder Now

with Nikki Hartung



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A Little Bit Louder Now: ABOUT THE WORKSHOP

As performers, comedians and, simply as humans, your voice can be your secret weapon, or it can be our achilles heel. You may have said something hilarious or witty or beautiful… but if the person at the very back can’t hear or understand you, then your brilliance may be lost forever! You may have the most fantastic show but what if you have to cancel because you’ve lost your voice! Or, what if a new vocal affect could simply bring a whole new layer to your character and your work as an artist?

In this three hour voice workshop for comedians and all performers alike, we will establish the foundations of a solid vocal warm up to get your voice ready to perform at it’s best, whilst not straining those sweet vocal chords. We will also explore different techniques and use games to help you find new voices for your characters and bits. Whether you are a budding performer, or a more seasoned one who’s looking for a little tune up on their voice - whether you’ve gotten that dreaded note to “speak up” one too many times, or been told that you can’t be understood, or if you merely want to learn a vocal warm up to have at the ready, then this workshop is for you my friend!

In our three hours together we will:

  • Learn a short but sweet vocal warm-up that will keep your voice safe, heard and expressive

  • Explore techniques to keep your voice clear and articulate on stage

  • Play with developing different character voices through physicalization, sound and games


Saturday 4/15 from 11AM - 2PM

Please wear clothes you can move in (i.e. no jeans please! comfy clothes), and if you would like something to lay on the floor with (i.e. yoga mat, towel) please bring that as well. And, of course, some high quality H20. :) 


Nikki Hartung is a writer and performer trained in classical acting, improv and clown, with a specialty in voice coaching. She has lead improvisor workshops at the iO theatre as well as one-to-one for actors and performers around the country.

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Introduction to Clown (1-Day)

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