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Sexual Slapstick: Weekend Intensive w/ Kira Nova

Sexual Slapstick:
Weekend Intensive w/ Kira Nova

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Saturday, 4/22 7pm-9pm 

Sunday, 4/23 noon-4pm 

The workshop is for performers, comedians, clowns and artists of all genres who are interested in a cross between seduction and comedy.

The workshop is open to all levels.


Our ability to attract and hold attention — that’s what the skill of seduction is!

Seducing equals emotionally connecting. 

Sex appeal simply comes down to how well can we generate interest around us. 

Can we create a pressure cooker environment?

The meeting of humor and sexuality is a meeting of two powers, that of — trickster and seductress. It’s about creating a large field of radiance and attraction around oneself! 

Course fee $200 

Sign up via email: 

DAY ONE: DANCE WITH THE SHADOW, Saturday April 22nd, 7pm-9pm, sunset session on the mountain in Santa Monica 

  • In order to open ourselves up, to increase our magnetism it’s important that we dance with the shadow. 

  • Shame, lack of confidence, shyness — are all reversed sources of our potential. Caged inner animal! 

  • This unique technique combines Japanese Butoh, Body Oriented Psychotherapy and physical comedy. 

  • We will work in a light state of trance, a natural psychedelic state, while moving on the mountain in Santa Monica — to open the parts of the psyche that are usually non active: primal, instinctual states; learning to trust our impulses — those parts of the brain that helps us to take more risk to be more authentic and hot! 

DAY TWO: SEXUAL SLAPSTICK drills and more, at The Elysian theater. Sunday, April 23, noon - 4pm

  • We will be exploring Western and Eastern traditions of physical theater training.

  • Specifically a blend of physical comedy, erotic dance and Butoh. Yes Butoh! Did you know that Tatsumi Hijikata, founder of Butoh, ran 5 strip clubs in Tokyo?

  • A lot of Japanese physical theater is based on seduction—opening and closing energy on stage.

  • It is often referred to as “animal work”. We will practice that in combination with exotic dance and slapstick!!

ABOUT Kira Nova

Kira Nova is a world renowned artist, comedian and producer whose credits include the MoMa and the MET. Over the past 10 years she has created 5 solo shows and curated a number of variety theater productions. Among which was a show she created with Michael Portnoy and Reggie Watts — “Alligators! Experimental Comedy Lab”, presented in The Netherlands and Belgium.

Nova has presented her breed of one-woman shows at such venues as MoMa PS1, MET Breuer, The Kitchen in New York; Center Pompidou in Paris, Royal Academy Theater in London, Art Basel in Basel among many. While as a comedian Nova performed in many venues around NY, which include productions at The Box and House of Yes.

For the past 10 years, Nova has been leading workshops and teaching at many North American and European Art Academies, that include: Columbia University in New York (US), Banff Center for the Arts in Alberta (Canada), Paul Klee Center in Basel (Switzerland), Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), de Appel Curatorial Program in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel (Germany), Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). Since 2013 Nova works as a professor at Lunds University (Sweden).

@kira.nova_ @kira_nova_studio

  • “I feel more alive and embodied than before. My senses are heightened like after a psychedelic trip, and I feel like my cells are reorganizing in a new way. The group energy was charged with this electricity that I’m having sensory memories of periodically. It’s hot and playful and pulsing with life force.” — Nina

    “I feel I've been powerfully (lovingly) yanked out of my brain and into my body - a sort of evening of the playing field of who's speaking inside me - and the body has truly come to the table to speak up.” — Emmy

    “[the workshop] was like years of therapy mixed with play and pleasure and the natural world, a whole inner journey and excavation all in 6 hours, though time is not linear in my opinion. Your workshop is really quite remarkable.”

    “I really appreciate your tenderness in teaching us and I felt your care and support throughout the whole weekend.” — Jonathan

    “When I read about Kira’s workshop, I thought it was a little out there. I mean it has “acid” and “eat your panties” in the NAME of the class but - once I took it, it became clear there is a method to the madness. Yes, there is a lot of movement(and weird movements like high-fiving with your feet). No, it’s not woo-woo at all(science!).


    “The intensive has definitely helped me. Simple exercises like, “lead with your butt”, or “keep your tongue out” made me super uncomfortable at first. But as I pushed through the feeling(and watched others do the same), I realized there is nothing to be ashamed of, some twisted way I was thinking about the way I move was lifted - It was such a freeing experience! Kira's approach WORKS!

    Another thing I loved about the intensive is… it’s like living a different life for a day: you travel to Venice Beach(get there 2 hours early and just chill by the ocean), you spend an entire day in an unfamiliar setting, with unfamiliar people, in unfamiliar situations, you move your body in ways you haven’t moved in years. And once the intensive(and the day) is over - you see yourself and the world a little differently. More open, more fun, with more friendly faces.

    After the class(which was deceptively simple) my body was sore - I moved in ways I haven’t moved since I was a baby. The past week my body has been so pumped: it just wants to move, to stretch, to dance - which I do. And which makes me happy.

    Highly recommend the workshop! Thanks, Kira!”

Course cost: $200.00

email to register: 

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