This show is an inquiry into the sixth scene of Heiner Müller's groundbreaking work of Post-Dramatic Theater Hamletmachine. This show presents six unique scenes to a group of viewers in order that they may help determine what the proper sixth scene should be. These scenes include but are not limited to: Scene 2 of Hamletmachine, Grotowski's CATS, Taxidermied Animals… Refreshments will be provided.
Directed by Patton Small and Brin Constant Gordon
Performed by Dallas Havoc, Amelia Whiteny, Avalon Greenberg Call, Olivia Berris, harley rubin, and Wolf Woodcock
With Music by Dylan Marx, Zaq Kenefick, Thomas Welsh, and Nev
Design Lead Madeline Rose Carter
Produced by Experience Cult Research Group
Experience Cult Research Group is a process oriented organization whose work is rooted in the notion of Art as Experience. All understanding of artwork comes from the contextualized performative engagement between a viewer and the work. By this maxim, all Art exists as performance. Following this idea, Experience Cult Research Group creates work which attempts to redefine the artistic engagement by highlighting the active experience of the viewer within the artistic encounter -- where both performer and spectator are potential viewers. Working primarily in the lineage of Jerzy Grotowski's paratheaterical period, Experience Cult Research Group's output takes the forms of stage plays, durational retreats, dining experiences, and carnivals.
This show is SOLD OUT. There will be a standby line at the door 30 min before showtime.
This show is part of The Elysian's second annual SPAGHETTI FESTIVAL from November 1st to 11th.
Doors at 7:30 PM, Show starts at 8 PM
Seating begins 15 minutes before showtime, there is NO LATE SEATING. Seats are assigned on a first come first served basis, from the front of the theatre to the back. If you want to sit closer, be sure to arrive earlier.
Shows start no later than 10 MINUTES after the scheduled show time.