You there! Boy! Go buy the biggest sketch comedy show in the window. Yes, Rabble Rabble, that's the one!
You guessed it. This is A Christmas Carol like you've never seen it before! Unless you've seen it as a live sketch comedy show. In that case, this is gonna feel pretty familiar.
After their sold out Halloween mystery show, Murder in the Panda Express, Rabble Rabble is back at The Elysian to spread some holiday cheer. Buy tickets early, or you might be visited by the ghost of FOMO!
The Rabble Rabble Cast:
Jasper Lewis
Andy Lee
Sam Horwitz
Caitlin Linden
Derek Scully
Catherine Durickas
Sean Magee
Dan Duddy
Elizabeth Hayhurst
& Michel Lichand as Scrooge
Directed by Niv Brook
Doors at 9:30 PM, Show starts at 10 PM
Seating begins 15 minutes before showtime, there is NO LATE SEATING. Seats are assigned on a first come first served basis, from the front of the theatre to the back. If you want to sit closer, be sure to arrive earlier.
Shows start no later than 10 MINUTES after the scheduled show time.