In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by comedic decimation, one sketch-comedy team emerges from the wreckage to deliver ha-has and funnyisms to a starved populace.
They are Rabble Rabble:
Dan Duddy
Catherine Durickas
Sam Horwitz
Caitlin Linden
Sean Magee
Elizabeth Hayhurst
Andrew Lee
Michel Lichand
Derek Scully
Directed by Niv Brook
Doors at 7:00PM, Show starts at 7:30 PM
Seating begins 15 minutes before showtime, there is NO LATE SEATING. Seats are assigned on a first come first served basis, from the front of the theatre to the back. If you want to sit closer, be sure to arrive earlier.
Shows start no later than 10 MINUTES after the scheduled show time.