🐳 〰️
Shipping is the story of a young woman stuck on Nantucket in the 1840s, where everyone is obsessed with killing whales and praying to Quaker god…until she makes a wish on a Barnacle Bitch and grows a blowhole of her own.
With a book by Jen Jackson (Animal Control, Miracle Workers) and Louisa Kellogg (The Onion, Crank Yankers), music by Brian Heveron-Smith (Fanny, Chris Fleming: Hell), and directed by Cassie Ahiers (The Second City, Nickelodeon), Shipping is a banger-packed one-act musical about inter-species friendship, joining the ocean’s hottest all-whale pop group, and the invention of the dildo. But it’s mostly about following your dreams!!!
Featuring: Alison Banowsky, Dani Colucci, Isabella Gerasole, Susan Glynn, Jesse Kendall, Jordan Lee Cohen, Jeff Murdoch, Olivia Nielsen, and Meaghan Strickland
*lineup subject to change
doors at 7:00PM, show starts at 7:30PM
Shows start no later than 10 MINUTES after the scheduled show time.